calculation account造句
- The calculations account for the 17 seconds it takes a seismic wave to travel to Palisades, said Dr . Won-Young Kim, a seismological researcher at Lamont-Doherty.
- Third, Fogel s social saving calculation accounts for costs not included in water rates ( which include the cargo losses in transit, transshipment costs, extra wagon haulage, time lost because of slower speed and because canals froze in the winter, and capital costs ).
- Additionally, none of U . S . EPA s calculations account for the extra vulnerability of the unborn fetus and children to toxic insults . " EPA Assistant Administrator Jim Gulliford replied saying, " We are confident that by conducting such a rigorous analysis and developing highly restrictive provisions governing its use, there will be no risks of concern, " and in October the EPA approved the use of methyl iodide as a soil fumigant in the United States.
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